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Who should float in a spa with Dead Sea water?SeandSalt floatation is for all people who are interested in: natural anti-aging, exfoliating the dead skin cells, calming the nerves, clean and shiny skin, natural detoxification, healing skin problems such as acne and psoriasis, greatly reducing pain from autoimmune diseases and arthritis and in reducing stress and strengthening the immune system.
Can anyone enter the SeandSalt floatation pool?Only clients from the age of 16 and older.
What is the composition of Dead Sea water?21 different minerals and 6 different salts with 35% salt concentration. The water is brought from the Dead Sea directly to the pools at the spa.
Do you clean the water between clients?Our unique filtration system continuously cleans the water. The water is filtered to 1 micron and purified simultaneously every 22 minutes. During your floating session the water will go through this process twice. In addition, the water is renewed between each and every customer by adding fresh Dead Sea water to the system automatically. The Dead Sea itself is disinfecting. Our floatation pools are anti-bacterial and anti-viral.
Do you float the same way as in the Dead Sea?Yes, because we use the actual Dead Sea waters. It is a very similar experience, just indoors and many would say more comfortable than accessing the actual Dead Sea.
Do you have to know how to swim?No
Is there a lifeguard in the pool room?No. There is no lifeguard because the depth of the pool is below 80 cm.
How many people can float in the same pool at once?Currently, our pools accommodate up to two people per floating session. Larger floatation pools can be commissioned.
What do you do if the Dead Sea water enters your eyes?Rinse your eyes with plain water that is on the side of the pool. There is no need to leave the pool.
Is it possible to put swimming goggles on the eyes?Yes. Disposable goggles are available in the spa room.
Is there a buoyancy pad to feel more comfortable in the pool?Yes. There is a special pillow in the pool room and the head, neck and shoulders can be supported during floatation sessions.
Is it possible to get help from the spa staff when needed?Yes. Spa staff can assist with entering and exiting the pool and can also stay by the pool if needed.
How long a floatation session is recommended for the first time?It is recommended to float for up to 30-40 minutes. You can also float for a short time, get out to rest and re-enter the pool to continue floating.
Is it advisable to float alone?It is up to your personal prefrence, however, it is recommended to float with a partner to help each other when needed and also to admire the shared experience.
Can the Dead Sea water burn my body?Staying in Dead Sea water can cause some burning sensations, particularly if there is a wound on the skin. A burning sensation is often a sign that the minerals and salts are initiating a healing process. Most people start seeing rapid relief of skin problems after 1 to 2 floating sessions.
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